Dear Friends;
As my two years as TUG Chair come to an end, the biggest takeaway I keep coming back to is that this is not farewell.
I'm closing out my term with a great deal of satisfaction at what we've achieved together, in spite of a sudden, overwhelming challenge that none of us could have foreseen or fully prepared for. I leave with an incredible sense of gratitude for my colleagues, partners, friends, and allies who've worked so hard and so well to keep building TUG over the last 24 months. And I'm looking forward to seeing what's next, to discovering how I can keep contributing to our community's continuing journey.
As I write in late May, I know that any talk about the future begins with what's right in front of us. The COVID-19 pandemic has upended so many of the systems, practices, and assumptions we took for granted, right up to the moment when several hundred of us got home from TUG CONNECTS 20/20 in mid-March.
But we're TUG. We're strong and resilient. And when the crisis hit, you stepped up. Nearly 100 of you filled out our member survey on post-COVID practices. The overwhelming majority of you were taking steps to keep your customers and employees safe and functioning, with 84% working from home, 79% banning some or all workplace visitors, 81% taking temperature checks at the door, 84% providing masks and 55% requiring them for some or all employees, 85% still making deliveries, and 63% offering curbside pickup.
And TUG is confronting the challenge head-on. We will continue monitoring the pandemic closely before we announce the location for TUG CONNECTS 2021. Meanwhile, our new webinar series, TUG CONNECTS 365, will expand our online education to two sessions per week, delivering the knowledge and networking opportunities that have always been the cornerstones of our TUG community.
Coping with uniquely tough times begins with making the very best use of all the resources at our disposal. That's why it will be so important for you to pay attention to Infor's Enhancement Request System (ERS) over the month of June.
Last summer, I told you how TUG had helped drive the ERS' evolution as a platform for Infor users to post ideas, endorse existing ones, and encourage their colleagues and peers to vote up the best. I explained that while TUG members had done a great job of socializing enhancement requests to get them onto the initial list of development priorities for CloudSuite Distribution, we had fallen a bit short when it came to shaping Infor's final priority list.
With 235 potential enhancements that made it onto the initial list, "I feel very comfortable letting the distribution community know that they did the best job in socializing and endorsing their enhancement requests," Toni Kennedy, Infor's biggest proponent for user feedback, told us at the time. But the month of June is the prioritization phase, and that's when we get to have our say on the final shape of Infor's development priorities for the year.
Last August, I advised you to "stay tuned...because next year's vote will be here before we know it." Now, the moment has arrived. We know that Infor's ERS is a great channel to make our voices heard and build on the power of the TUG network. This is our moment to click through to the ERS platform, cast your votes, and make change happen.
Visit the Infor Concierge today and check out the ERS section.