Dear Friends:
After the two difficult years we’ve all been through, I am so pleased to be able to end my tenure as TUG Chair by celebrating The Year of the Comeback.
I started my term just a few weeks after we all went into lockdown in response to a global pandemic, the likes of which we’d never seen in our lifetimes. I got a first-hand view of how our industry stepped up, our organization shifted gears, and our TUG community held together to help each other weather the storm.
And last month, when many of us could finally gather in person again at TUG Connects 2022, I got to share in the sweet moments of connection and reconnection as we all got to network in the way we all needed and wanted to.
In so many ways, it feels like we’ve come through the fire together and emerged stronger for it.
One of my biggest goals as TUG Chair was to expand our membership, not only by bringing new companies into the fold, but by connecting more deeply with more people within member companies. We’ve accomplished that by adding deep value in so many ways including:
When you talk to our amazing association managers, Karen and Gary Brown, they’ll tell you we’ve accomplished more over the last 24 months than in any two-year period in the past. I think they’re right. We got it done because we had to, but also because we saw the opportunities to deliver a better value proposition for our members—and once we saw it, we seized it. From the conference and the portal, to an expanded social media presence, to last year’s virtual TUG Connects, I’m proud of all we’ve been able to do help members connect, broaden and deepen our relationship with Infor, and make an essential, year-round tool for the success of your business.
I know that as he takes on the reins as TUG Chair, Mark Law will do a fabulous job building on the foundation of success we’ve built up—over the last two years, and decades of strong, dedicated TUG Chairs before me. And I won’t be too far away. I’ve learned so much from TUG, I’ve seen my professional network grow exponentially since I joined the Board, and I know that by staying involved, I’ll continue to gain as much value as I give back.
If you haven’t yet had that experience first-hand, I encourage you to step up and join a TUG committee this year or apply for a Network Leadership or TUG Board of Directors position. They are rewarding roles that will leave you with new friends, colleagues, and insights that will last a lifetime.
I hope you all stay healthy and have a fantastic summer!
Brad Maguire
Vice President of Information Technology
American Paper & Twine
Chairman of the Board,
June 2020 - June 2022