In the first of our series of Webinars this year with TUG, we talked about the value of operational excellence. We shared how continuous improvement is only a component, a tool, a methodology to support the culture of operational excellence. Today we are going to shift to Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), and their part to play in this landscape. It's often thought that a WMS will solve problems, that it will fix broken processes, that it will improve your operation. If it won't, why would we invest in it?
A WMS doesn't solve or fix anything. A WMS is simply a tool like a wrench or a miter saw. With it, you can achieve incredible results never before possible (or at least not without a whole bunch of elbow grease...imagine hand sawing all the lumber to build a house!). With poor process or inadequate training, any tool can be ineffective or even disastrous. A WMS is no exception. In this Webinar, we will discuss how 80% of a WMS project is not technology-related. That the project always begins far in advance of any LPN's or barcode scanners. That the tool is not the fixer, the person using it is.
If you've been saying WMS isn't a good fit for your business or you wouldn't see the benefit, we would disagree. Chances are, though, that you aren't ready for it...just yet. Join Andrew Weith, Founder of ASW Global Consulting, as we discuss how a WMS is the foundation for a new future of possibilities within your operations, and that the proper preparation, process improvements, training, and follow-through will ensure that this tool helps you build amazing avenues for your company to achieve operational excellence.